Thursday, January 26, 2006

thoughts upon arrival

Why? Why am I doing to this to myself? I already have a xanga and a myspace so why?! Why must I start another one of these? I guess the most honest answer I can give is that this particular blog gives me freedom. I know abosolutely no one on blogger so I can ramble as much as I want and I can make a fool of myself as much as I want.
In the spirit of this newfound freedom I must confess to the world that I want to be a rock star. You have the right to know that is the greatest ambition I have at this time in my life. That and to be the best husband and father I can be (I've been married for almost two years to a beautiful woman named Marisol and I have a one year old son named, Joel Evan). Now trying to pursue both of these amibitions at the same time can get a little out of control. For example on an average day, I may only see my wife in passing in between classes at KU and recording vocals for my band's new EP. Then I'll grab a quick supper at home before heading off to work. As I said it can get to be a little out of control so I've been trying to slow things slow things way down.
I'm tired of writing for the time being so I suppose what I've just written will have to suffice as a short introduction to my life. Enjoy.