Friday, May 26, 2006

all in all it's not so bad...

Work couldn't pass by any slower tonight. Really it couldn't, every hour has felt like three hours and I've only been here for three hours so it feels like nine hours. That was a really awkward sentence, but I'm leaving it.
The Setbacks played a show at South Park last night. It was really therapeutic. We played like a well-oiled machine and the only mishap we had was when I broke a string and went to switch guitars at the exact time that Bryan decided to stop playing to tune his guitar. It felt a lot better than our last show. I remember leaving our last show and not even wanting to hear compliments from the people that came because I was sure they were all lying since I felt so bad about how we played. Last night was different though, what people said or didn't say didn't matter. All that mattered was that we had a great time playing, and honestly I think every show should be that way! I wish I didn't have to hear from other people before I can make up my own mind about how the show went. I wish I could always feel like I did last night where I was confident enough to know it went alright.
I'm so tired right now. All the double shifts I've worked this week plus the show last night have really drained me. I just have to make it through tonight and work tomorrow and then I can relax tomorrow night. I think Mari and I might go see a movie. We haven't done that in awhile so it should be nice.

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