Jones Soda (fortune underneath the cap)
I don't know how long I'll keep this Jones Soda thing up. It just seems that I have to be drinking one before I write a new post. This probably has more to do with the fact that I do most of my writing while I'm at work than anything else.
Do you ever reach a point where you're practically begging to be intellectually stimulated? No book, nothing can satisfy my hunger to learn right now. I feel like I'm at an age where I should be accomplished at something or at least be ready to graduate from college, seeing as how I'm lacking in both of those departments I'm trying to make up for it by reading voraciously (I'm even using big words). I go through these periods from time to time. They usually last for a couple of months and then I don't feel like touching a book for a good long while. At that point the couch and the TV are my friends. It's funny now that I'm a husband and a father though there really isn't much time in the day for reading, so I've become kind of an insomniac too. I stay up till all hours of the night reading. I do a lot of my reading at work too. I think all this reading is my response to a desire to write. I really want to write, to write something beautiful, something meaningful, but since I won't be writing the Great American Novel anytime soon (or ever), I'll settle for reading the Great American Novel.
I'm currently reading:
which is neither American or a novel.
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