Tuesday, May 01, 2007

who is my neigbor?

Josh's post got me to thinking about a lot of things, like Cornerstone and how amazing it was, but something really struck me about it, "I have been spending a lot of time here...and it’s been a lot of fun, and become kind of a new community that I’ve gotten pulled into." It got me to thinking about the communities I've been "pulled into." The one that comes to mind most easily is my community at the coffee shop where I work. It made me think about community and the question of "who is my neighbor?" I ask that question of myself because I see these same people everyday, some of them like clockwork; they show up at exactly the same time everyday and order the exact same thing. I guess I think about that because I realize how little regard I have for my neighbors, these people I see everyday. I learn their names, but only to enter them into our Coffee Club and I know their drinks but only because I'm hear everyday and my brain gets used to the repetition. I talk to some people, but not usually by choice, only because they talk to me first, and most of the time I'm only thinking of a way out of the conversation or daydreaming. I'm at my worst with homeless people (I wish it wasn't this way), I sympathize for them, but at the same time I don't want to do anything for them or enter into their pain. I keep my relationships with people at a distance, I don't know what I'm afraid of, and I really wish I knew better how to love. Jesus told the Good Samaritan parable after the teacher of the law asked him who his neighbor was. He asked this question because he wanted to know what his required of him so he could do the least and still get to heaven. I pray this isn't my attitude. Lord, teach me to love my neighbor.

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